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All Services


To view the full price list for our services, click here.

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Outside of our opening hours, we provide access to emergency care and advice through our ‘Out of Hours’ provider, Moorview Referrals, which is a dedicated emergency and referral business with vets and nurses on site at all times.

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Preventative Health Care

Preventive health care is something that we at Coquet Vets feel passionate about and is a large part of the services that we offer. We can also provide tailored programs for your pet.

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Surgical Procedures

Our practice is well-equipped to perform most minor and major surgical procedures, from speys and neuters to more complicated emergency and soft-tissue surgeries.

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Coquet Vets strives to provide oral care and treatment to the highest standards. We have a dedicated dental suite with state-of-the art dental equipment. We also offer free dental checkups. 

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Diagnostic Imaging

We have a dedicated diagnostic imaging suite with digital radiology (X-ray), which enables our experienced team to perform a range of diagnostics, including ultrasonography for vital, real-time internal imaging. 

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We provide in-house diagnostic lab tests, including blood tests, urine tests, and sample analysis, such as skin scrapes and ear cytology. We also work closely with an external laboratory, enabling us to provide any additional tests that may be required.

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Nurse Clinics

Our Registered Veterinary Nurses (RVN’s) are essential to all aspects of the services that we offer. They are expertly trained in many areas and also offer their own variety of clinics.

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Repeat Prescriptions

For some of our patients, certain medications and long-term treatments may be required. For most medications, we can provide repeat prescriptions, including written prescriptions at your request.

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Saying Goodbye

At Coquet Vets, we understand that saying goodbye to your beloved pet, family member and friend can be an extremely hard decision. Our compassionate team is trained to support our clients through this difficult time, ensuring that your pet passes away in a dignified manner with the support that you need.

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How can we help you?

If you are looking for a veterinary service that is not listed here, please don’t hesitate to contact us and let us know what you need.

CALL: 01665 252 250
