Introducing a Dog or Cat to a Baby
6th January 2023 | Author Coquet Vets
Image: Sarah Chai via Pexels
In addition to introducing your dog or cat to your new baby, there are also some things you can do before baby arrives. Here are some things to consider to prepare your pet for the arrival of your new baby.
Plan Ahead and Prepare
The most important thing to remember is that dogs and cats are very sensitive to changes in their routine and the environment. It’s important to keep their needs in mind and to commit to continuing to give them quality time with you, such as going on walks, playing with their favourite toys, being groomed, etc., even after the baby comes home. So take some time to think about how this can be accomplished.
Before Baby Arrives
Set up a nursery area, play nursery songs or even recordings of baby sounds, and allow your dog or cat to sniff and explore the new furniture and baby accessories.
Place a baby doll in the crib, and occasionally hold it close to your chest while in the company of your dog or cat.
Help your dog become familiar with the stroller ahead of time so that he or she isn’t afraid of it when it’s time for family walks. You can also take your dog for a walk with the empty stroller before its passenger comes home to occupy it.
Make sure you are equipped with a good approach to handling stress. Whatever works for you - meditation, herbal tea, soothing music, exercise, a chat with your sister. Don’t skimp in this area, because you need to be at your best in order to take good care of both your baby and your furry ones.
After the baby is born, have someone take a baby item home from the hospital to your animal companions so that they can get to know the new baby’s smell and will recognise it later, when he or she is brought home for the first time.
After Baby Arrives
Once the new baby is home, allow your dog or cat to “investigate” under close supervision.
Maintaining a consistent schedule is key - this includes meals, walks, and playtime, as dogs and cats thrive on a predictable schedule.
Set aside time for each animal, whether it’s playing, walking, or cuddling. If you feel overwhelmed by all of life’s changes, consider making a checklist for each member of the family, so that you can stay focused and on track.
If you have a dog who loves to be in the car, let him or her ride along if you decide to take your baby for a ride to soothe him or her to sleep.
As the baby gets a bit older, don’t allow him or her to hit your dog or cat or pull their tails. Teach the baby to love and respect his or her furry siblings!
Remember: Our animals can pick up on our stress, so if you begin to feel stressed out, reach for one of your tried-and-true stress-busting remedies (see above, under “Before Baby Arrives”). Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Many people enjoy helping with babies!
Never leave the baby unsupervised with your dog or cat. All interactions should be closely monitored.
If you notice tension or stress in your animals, try using a synthetic calming pheromone - this will make them feel more relaxed and secure.
You can also try a daily supplement that helps curb anxiety. Ask your veterinarian about supplements and other options for relieving your animal companion’s anxiety.
If your dog barks or growls, or if your cat hisses, or if either raises his or her hackles, don’t correct this behaviour, because it’s a useful warning sign that your animal companion is uncomfortable. Instead, understand that more time may be needed to introduce your animal to your baby, and take it slowly.
If alarming behaviour persists or if you see signs of depression or anxiety in your furry friends, seek professional help right away. Don’t wait. And if you consult a professional trainer, be sure to select one who uses a positive approach.
Be patient with yourself and your animals. Such an enormous lifestyle change is sure to cause some temporary stress, but by staying optimistic, asking for help when you need it, and focusing on the many positive aspects of your life, you’ll be able to find balance with your whole family.
Happily Ever After
Most babies get along famously with dogs and cats, and there is no reason to anticipate otherwise. Maintain a positive outlook, require respect from all parties, and expect a good outcome. You’re sure to get one!
If you are a client at Coquet Vets, and this article has raised any concerns about your pet’s behaviour or anxiety levels, don’t hesitate to call us on 01665 252250.