Canine First Aid Evening on 21st April 2022


Image: Photo by Berkay Gumustekin on Unsplash

**Our canine first aid evening is now fully booked. We will post any cancellations on our Facebook page to let people know that a space has become available.**

As an acknowledgement of National Pet Month in April, we will be hosting a canine first aid evening. One of our vets will be giving a practical presentation to our clients demonstrating how and what to do in common first aid scenarios that you may encounter with your dog.

Topics to include:

  • Wounds

  • Allergies/anaphylaxis

  • Seizures

  • Heat Stroke

  • Collapse

This will be taking place at our Clinic on Thursday 21st April 2022 at 6 pm.

Payment on booking of £10 per person. You will receive a first aid kit to take home. Refreshments will be provided.

To register your interest and book a place, please call us on 01665 252 250.