Case Study: Ruby’s Deciduous Teeth


Meet Ruby. She is a 7-month-old Pomeranian. Ruby came in for a free dental check with our Vet, Emily. During the examination Emily noticed there were a few extra teeth in Ruby’s mouth. Ruby still had some of her baby teeth (deciduous teeth), which should have fallen out as Ruby’s permanent teeth erupted.

As she had extra teeth in her mouth this was causing overcrowding and this in turn encourages tartar build up within the mouth. It was, therefore, recommended that these deciduous teeth are extracted.


She was booked in a few days later to have an anaesthetic, full mouth dental X-rays, and extractions.

Ruby went home with pain relief, and we are happy to say that she has fully recovered and her mouth is healing really well.

If this case study has raised any concerns, or you want to book in your pet for a free dental consultation with one of our Vets, call us on 01665 252 250.