Case Study: Rosie & Ben - Pet Osteoarthritis

For senior pets, osteoarthritis can be one of the long-term effects of knee surgery, as well as part of a natural ageing process. In this case study, we meet Rosie and her younger brother, Ben, who were both found to have osteoarthritis and needed some treatment.

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Case Study: Tooth Root Abscess

Here is a short case study about a 9-year-old male entire poodle who presented to us with a tooth root abscess. Here’s what we did to diagnose and treat the tooth root abscess.

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Case Study: Chocolate Poisoning

A few weeks ago, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier called Mal was brought to us as an emergency after eating 500 grams of chocolate, which is poisonous for dogs. Here's what we did and what to look out for if your dog accidentally eats chocolate.

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